Examining the AI Landscape
Last month, I began further learning about AI to better understand not only the usage applications but what has changed since I last read an MIT book on the subject a few years ago.
Thus far, I've compiled a spreadsheet with almost 2000 companies, organizations, and projects organized by industry, primary tasks, and other attributes. While fun, it's been monotonous and time-consuming. As I'm deciding how to finish up the data collection phase and proceed to summarize my findings in a presentation, I wish my work could have been part of a collaborative effort that could be open and ongoing, led by a few specialists.
I write this because the larger conversation around AI in the last few months has largely been hype and the perceived threat of AGI and the power that AI industry players have. Without open research and advocacy organizations like the Center for Humane Technology, the discourse around AI will not properly reflect the real situation at hand, both the promising and the worrisome.
This recent op-ed "We need to keep CEOs away from AI regulation", underscores this need particularly well. Because without well-reasoned dialogue based on facts and tangible case studies, lawmakers will delay action and abdicate policy influence to those with deep pockets and who under false pretenses, claim to know what's good for society. And the public dialogue will continue to falter based on misreported and sensational stories and opinion pieces where although some semblance of truth could be buried within, the head- and subheadings are practically all most people see.